Recipes of Life cookbook launch: An evening of joy and community


On 24th October the Praxis community came together to celebrate the launch of Recipes of Life: Stories of migration and brotherhood, by GIANTS. GIANTS is a peer-led group, supported by Praxis, for men who have migrated to the UK. Their unique cookbook is packed full of recipes and heartfelt stories of home, strength, and community. With music, spoken word, thoughtful discussion, and of course delicious food- the evening truly embodied the love GIANTS have for each other.

We heard from GIANTS member Joseph about the creation process of Recipes of Life and the transformative power sharing food has for mental health. Here’s what Joseph shared…

Hello everyone my name is Joseph, 

Our journey with the Recipes of Life began as the pandemic was winding down, right in Weavers Field, the park behind Praxis. We, the GIANTS, were a group of men gathered around the table. San, a volunteer from Praxis, walked in with hot, home-cooked meals carefully packed.

Other men joined, taking their places around the table, and we welcomed in Dr Romena and Dr Jennifer, so they could share a meal with us. It wasn’t the first time that as GIANTS we got together over food, in brotherhood, but it’s on that day that we started talking and thinking about the connection between food and mental health.

Initially we wondered, ‘What has food got to do with mental health?’ Unknown territory! Skeptical!

But then we started talking with San about the stories behind his dishes. It was incredible how each one of us chimed in, sharing memories about food, culture, and history. We shared the importance of respecting food – sharing it, savouring each bite, and appreciating the chef.

And that was the beginning of Recipes of Life.

Week after week, a different GIANT would come out of the kitchen with a feast they'd prepared, receiving applause and appreciation. We explained how food is a universal language, connecting people across different cultures.

Our brother Xi was very brave, as he was the first GIANT to volunteer to cook. But from that moment on, each GIANTS members WANTED to cook for others. The project gave the opportunity for all GIANTS members to prepare a meal for a large group, often for the first time.

We made connections every moment, sharing survival stories, talking about the tough times we faced. We shared stories of strengths, skills, identity, positivity, moving forward, and belonging, as well as the negative impact of hostile immigration policies, homelessness, and isolation.

The project gave us an opportunity to talk in front of our brothers, instead of bottling it in. Sharing food and eating these meals together was a safe way to open up that bottle. This, in turn, gave us brothers confidence in speaking about our situations and shared lived experiences.

Men don’t often get complimented by society with uplifting words, but here at the GIANTS, we always, as a priority, profess words of affirmation to our fellow brothers, which helps to boost confidence, morale, and hope for a brighter and better future.


Photos by Laura Stahnke

Order the Recipes of Life cookbook today!

GIANTSAnya Jhoti